Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New CD Releases - 2008.03.25

New CD Releases


Pick Of The Week:

The Heavy - Great Vengeance and Furious Fire

This is just a fantastic album. It's a Soul/R&B/Rock hybrid. Some heavy rock, some straight-out funk and even some softer ballads. It's almost like if Lenny Kravitz didn't suck.

A Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons

B-52's - Funplex

Counting Crows - Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings

I never cared for Counting Crows, but I can't believe how much I disliked this CD.

Justin Townes Earle - The Good Life

This is the debut album of Steve Earle's son.

Elf Power - In a Cave

Firewind - The Premonition

I'm not big on Heavy Metal, but I found this pretty enjoyable.

Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

Mike Oldfield - Music Of The Spheres

Panic At The Disco - Pretty. Odd.

Plants and Animals - Parc Avenue

Temple Of Soul - Brothers In Arms

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